Dragon's Bond

Chapter 09


Far from the beach resort, where the first Mazoku king had appeared and been destroyed, a figure

sat shrouded in darkness. “Brother.” He muttered, holding up a smooth, oval, blue gem in his

hand. “The time has come for you and your people to aid me in exacting my revenge.” He said,

setting the gem down and standing up to walk over to a much larger gem, encircled with three,

levitating, silver rings that had smaller gems placed in strategic, magically significant places in the

metal. The large artifact was glowing with a magnificent light that pulsed as though ready to

explode at any moments notice.

The man ran his hands along the smooth surface of the gem, that was approximately the size of

a football. “The fall of your people is at hand.”


Ranma smiled, as she, her fiancé Amelia, and her newfound half brother Fenhein exited the

entrance to the underground dark elf city into the moonlit clearing, where Crimson was waiting

for them. “Crimson.” She called out to her daughter.

Crimson lifted her head at the summons and yawned. “Yes Papa?” She asked as she lumbered to

her full height and stared down at her father, as Amelia and Fenhein followed after the white

haired girl. “Who’s that?” She inquired.

Just as Ranma was about to reply, a scream was heard from Fenhein moments before he pulled

out two ferocious daggers from the sheaths on his legs and leapt towards the red dragon, that was


STILL UNAWARE!!!!” He shouted.

Ranma and Amelia just watched, confused as the dark elf teen attacked with hardly a moments

thought. “Uh Fenhein?” Ranma offered weakly with an outstretched hand. In vain as Crimson

swatted him away, avoiding all injury.

The elf didn’t hear at all and continued on in his assault, jumping towards the dragon and twisting

around her humongous fist in mid air as it crashed down, and slashing out skillfully with his

daggers at her flesh. Crimson suddenly screamed out in pain and clutched her front claw, as a

small gout of blood erupted following a skilled slash from Fenhein’s blades. “THAT’S IT!!” She


“STOP!!!! STOP IT NOW!!!!” Ranma yelled, as she stepped in between her daughter and her


Both parties complied with the wish, more out of confusion as to the interruption than an actual

desire to do so. “What is the meaning of this!?” Fenhein demanded of his sister. “This beast must

be stopped lest it attacks the city!”

“BEAST!?” Crimson growled at the upstart elf. “Who are you calling a beast!? I’m not the one

that randomly attacked, you crazy idiot!!” She shot back.

Fenhein looked a little confused and then blinked, looking towards Ranma. “It... talks...”

Ranma sighed and motioned towards Crimson. “Fenhein... let me introduce you to Crimson...

my daughter.” She stated.

Fenhein blinked again, and then looked up at Crimson before he looked back at Ranma again.

Crimson growled as she began to power up chi for healing minor wounds. “Papa-san who the hell

is this guy!?” She demanded.

Amalia frowned at Crimson. “Watch your language!” She snapped.

Crimson hung her head. “Sorry Mama-san.” she griped.

Ranma smiled. “Crimson... this is Fenhein. He’s your uncle. Galnaav’s bastard son.”

Fenhein switched his glare to Ranma, holding up his blades which he hadn’t yet put away. “WHO


“Uncle?” Crimson queried.

Ranma nodded. “Yes uncle. It appears that Galnaav had a... relationship with a fellow traveler

when he was younger. We just happened to meet up here in Pharackineis.”

Crimson sat down and continued to look confused. “Who’s got rocks in their eyes?” She asked.

Amelia smiled and stepped forward to help with explanations. “No Crimson it’s the name of the

dark elf city that resides underneath this mountain. It’s called Pharackineis. Fenhein here is a dark

elf from the city who has decided to accompany us on our journey for the map... and

JUSTICE!!” She said emphasizing that last word with a triumphant fist.

Ranma sighed. “You had to add that didn’t you? It’s just been too long.” She muttered under her


Amelia blushed, having heard Ranma’s prod at her love for overemphasis and drama.

Fenhein stepped towards Ranma and sheathed his daggers, pointing to the white haired girl’s ears.

“So the pointed ears then... they are because you are a dragon? Strange that a human would teach

such a creature in such powerful magics.”

“I’M HUMAN FOR THE LAST TIME!!” Ranma screamed.

Fenhein looked confused. “But you did call the beast your daughter.”

“WHO’S A BEAST!?!?” Crimson screamed. Smoke erupting from her nostrils.

Ranma sighed. “Look, me and Amelia are human and Crimson’s a dragon that I found at birth and

raised as my own daughter. Galnaav brought us both in as his students and he adopted me as his

son. I just don’t know why I have pointed ears.”

“That is very strange isn’t it?” Came a new voice from nearby where Crimson was standing.

Ranma immediately jumped into action having not detected the person and thus assumed that it

was a threat. She powered up a powerful aura of confidence fueled Chi and faced off against

whoever it was that had managed to stay undetected for so long. “WHO’S THERE!?!” She

called, making sure the aura was visible so as to seem more menacing.

Xellos smiled as he stepped out of the shadows of the trees. “Don’t worry Ranma. I’m just a

sorcerer like yourself who is offering his help on your journey.”

Ranma smirked. “I can tell you’re a sorcerer just by your attire. You hide your magic well though.

I’m having trouble determining your level of power.”

Xellos smiled and stepped closer to Ranma as she powered down her aura and stood only at a

mild alert. “You claim to be human while you have pointy ears, you’ve managed to raise a red

dragon of all creatures to be civil, and are able to use a powerful energy that resembles magic

while not being able to use magic at all. I find you quite interesting Ranma.” The purple haired

man stated.

“Thanks.” Ranma replied.

“Mr. Xellos!” Amelia stated in surprise and recognition of the Demon dragon.

“It’s good to see you again Amelia. How is Filiel?” He asked.

Amelia frowned. “I haven’t seen her for a while.” Xellos just nodded.

Fenhein looked confused towards Ranma. “Sister? What does he mean ‘while not being able to

use magic’?” He asked. “I thought you said you were a student of father’s.”

Ranma just blushed.

Amelia decided to step forward and explain again for the flustered aquatranssexual. “When a...

girl... comes to... that time of the month.” She started embarrassedly. “She loses the ability to cast

spells until it’s over. The same thing happens if a sorcerer drains all of his personal mana reserves.”

“That’s why she has white hair.” Xellos added for her.

“So... if Ranma is unable to cast spells or use magic in any way... what was that energy?”

Fenhein asked.

“That’s something that I am quite curious about as well.” Xellos said. “I’ve never in my entire life

seen an energy like that.”

Crimson smiled. “It’s called Chi. Me and daddy are the only people in the world who know how

to use it.” She stated proudly.

“Chi?” Xellos asked. “I’ve never heard of such a thing.”

Ranma just smiled. “It’s a martial arts ability. An advanced one that only the highest level fighters

can achieve. It can be used to hurt... or to heal.”

“Intriguing.” Xellos said stroking his chin in thought as he contemplated this new information.

“So why is it you want to travel with us Mr. Xellos?” Amelia asked. As she moved closer to


Xellos smiled and sat down on a nearby log, setting his staff down beside him. “It’s simple really.

I was at the beach when that Mazoku king appeared and I’m concerned about my worlds safety. I

feel I could successfully aid you in achieving your goals.”

Ranma leaned over to Amelia and whispered to her making doubly sure that the newcomer didn’t

hear them. “You know this guy Amelia... can we trust him?”

Amelia sighed. “I’m not sure. Mr. Xellos did some bad things in the past but he’s also done some

genuine good also. I think he’s got his own plans. He tends to keep any important information to

himself until the last minute.”

Ranma smiled as she turned back to Xellos. “Fine then. You can travel with us Xellos. But I

won’t have anyone in my party keeping secrets. Everything that you are must be revealed.”

Xellos nodded with a smile. “Very well. Your terms are fair and warranted considering my past.

I’m sure Amelia will be able to fill you in on some of the details. I think it would be best if we all

got some rest for the moment so we could get an early start tomorrow. I’ll tell you everything in

the morning.”

Ranma just nodded, deciding to deal with the man with the utmost caution.


The next day. Ranma smiled as he walked with his family towards their next destination to find

the next piece of the map. Crimson was still in her dragon form but chose not to fly since she

would be turning human soon anyway, due to the Duragnamera artifacts that Galnaav and Prince

Phil had given her. Xellos just kept to himself and rarely talked. Ranma was actually holding

hands with Amelia as they walked. This unnerved Ranma a bit but he held up since Amelia had

requested it so adamantly.

Fenhein looked to his white haired sister in confusion as she held the other girl’s hand in what

appeared to be a common physical sign of affection. He decided to look into the subject a little

more and stepped forward, his taller frame towering over the two women. “Sister?” He asked.

Ranma looked up to her half elf brother and smiled. “Yeah?” She inquired, glad for a distraction

to take her mind off of the hand she was holding.

“I was wondering...” Fenhein started. “Why are you and the princess holding hands the way you

are. Do you have a bad sense of direction?” he stated genuinely curious.

Ranma stifled a chuckle at the statement humorously linking the man’s words to another

directionally impaired martial artist in her home dimension. “Uh no... not exactly it’s like... well...”

Amelia sighed. Ranma was completely unable to talk about anything romantic with a straight face.

She got so flustered that she couldn’t even prepare a coherent sentence. Offering to help out

Amelia leaned forward enough to see Fenhein. “Ranma and I are engaged to be married. It

was arranged by our fathers.”

Fenhein just stared at the black haired girl in shock. “Two... girls... engaged... to marry? He said

in a zombie like state.

“I’m NOT a girl!!” Ranma growled in her defense.

Fenhein stopped and just stood there. Ranma and the rest of the group followed suit

subconsciously so as not to be separated. Fenhein scratched his head “I fail to see how it is you

could have such a body and not be a girl.” He said.

Ranma sighed and let go of Amelia.Listen Fenhein... I have a magical curse that turns me into a

girl when I get splashed with cold water. Hot water reverses the effects of the curse. I’m normally

a guy.”

Fenhein looked confused. “Does it work with other hot liquid substances?” He inquired.

Ranma Amelia and Crimson nodded.

Fenhein continued to look confused. “But you spilled tea on yourself at the inn we last ate at. I

saw no change...”

Ranma growled “I’m a guy! I’m just stuck in my cursed form until My mana replenishes itself!”

Fenhein looked intrigued. “Are there other men who have breasts?” He questioned with sort of

a disgusted look on his face.

Ranma sighed. “Forget about it bro. You’ll see soon enough alright?” Fenhein nodded and

Ranma looked around at the open area they were in. They were still about three days away from

their destination and it was getting late. “I guess we should set up camp and get some rest.” She

stated, pulling her backpack off and setting it on the ground. Ranma then looked up to her

daughter. “Hey Crimson?”

“Yes papa-san!” She stated happily standing at attention.

“Go kill something for dinner.” She said pointing towards the forest that they were camping just

on the border of. Crimson nodded eagerly and bounded off to fetch some food, for herself and for

her family.


Xellos awoke with a start and looked around the camp site. *There’s some sort of strange energy

nearby.* He thought with slitted eyes scanning his surroundings. He quickly located the magic

moments later and saw Fenhein suddenly get up out of his sleeping bag and start to pick up his

weapons and armor. The moment he was equipped with it all he began to walk away in the

direction that they had come from. *Well this is interesting.* The purple haired mage thought as

he noticed the glowing blue eyes on the half elf’s features.

“Fenhein?” He asked, curious as to whether he was awake or not.

There was no reply and the elf continued to walk.

Xellos smiled and got up as well. “This is interesting.” He said to himself before teleporting away

after the man.


Ranma yawned as she woke up to the morning sunlight beating down on her face. She

immediately walked over to her daughter Crimson who had turned back into her human form in

the middle of the night and shook her. “Get up.” She ordered almost mechanically.

Crimson just grumbled and rolled over. “Nnnngh don wanna....goway.”

Ranma smiled and silently cast a quick spell. Dousing the young girl with cold water.

“AAAAAHHH!!!!” Crimson screamed as she shot straight up and immediately started throwing

punches and kicks in her father’s direction. “PAPA-SAN!!” She growled, smoke naturally

coming from her nose from her irritation at the rude awakening.

Ranma just laughed and jumped around his daughter’s attacks with ease. “You’re 20 years too

young to beat me.” She stated as she did so. Ranma then froze as she realized what she had just

said and compared it another person from her past life. *I did NOT just say that!* Ranma


Crimson smiled as her father stopped dodging and rushed forward powering up a chi powered

physical attack, putting all of her strength, and then some, into the one right hook. “Papa no

baka!!” She yelled before sending him flying off into the distance.

Amelia awoke to the noise and noticed a drenched Crimson in female form walking back towards

her and smiling. “Good morning mama-san... sorry to wake you with the noise.” She apologized.

Amelia just waved it off and yawned as she sat up. “It’s okay Crimson. Do you want to help me

make breakfast?” She asked with a pleasant smile as she got out of her sleeping bag.

Crimson nodded eagerly. “Of course!”

Amelia stretched tiredly. “Then go get Your uncle and Mr. Xellos up. We can’t have them

sleeping in all day.”

Amelia hummed pleasantly and walked over to the iced carcass of the owl bear that Crimson had

killed for their meals the day before. Ranma had told her that the meat stayed fresher if it was

refrigerated so he had covered it with ice that he had made with magic. “Maybe we could make

a stew.” She muttered to herself thoughtfully as she carved off a large chunk of meat and started

cleaning and cutting it on the makeshift cutting board they had made out of a large tree trunk.

Just then Crimson came back to her side. Amelia smiled. “Could you go start the fire so we could

put a pot of water on boil?” She asked.

Crimson however hesitated. “Uhm mama-san?”

Amelia looked towards her soon to be daughter in law inquisitively. “What is it Crimson?” She


“Mr. Xellos and uncle Fenhein aren’t here.” She stated.

Amelia looked surprised. “What!?” She then looked over to where the two men had been

sleeping. Sure enough there was two empty sleeping bags. Even Fenhein’s weapons were gone.

“Oh dear... Where’s your father?” She asked looking around.

Crimson smiled. “Oh Papa-san’s not gone I just hit him really far away. He’ll be back for

breakfast. He always is.”

Amelia looked a little confused at this explanation but accepted what the dragon girl said as truth.

It was very scarce that she ever lied. *She sure is powerful.* Amelia thought. *And Ranma’s

more skilled and powerful than she is...* This thought got Amelia thinking even further. What if

Ranma wasn’t human? What if he’s something else and that’s why he’s able to do the things he

does. Amelia shook those thoughts out of her head and smiled at Crimson who was confused as

to why she had paused for so long and then shook her head. “Uhh go find Ranma and get him

back here quickly. We should talk to him about it before we jump to any conclusions. Maybe he

knows something we don’t. After all he was awake before us.”

Amelia then turned back to cooking breakfast for the group and Crimson nodded, running off to

go look for her father. Amelia stared after the girl once her back was turned and kept her eyes

focused on her ears in particular. The pointed ears that were very much just like Ranma’s.


Ranma frowned as he and his daughter entered the camping area that the group had spent the

night at. “They’re gone?” He asked, a serious expression on his face which Amelia only ever

really saw when he was in the heat of battle. Which only meant that he didn’t know where

Fenhein or Xellos were either.

“Yes. They weren’t here when we woke up. I thought that maybe you’d know.” The princess of

Seyroone answered her husband to be.

“Maybe uncle Fenhein got homesick.” Crimson offered as she absentmindedly brushed a strand of

hair behind her ear, keeping it out of her face.

“No.” Ranma assured her as he bent down and examined the footprints in the soft ground. He had

picked up some small tracking skills from some contacts of Galnaav’s but had never thought

much of them so was only mediocre at best. “Fenhein’s a fighter and has traveling in his blood. He

wouldn’t want to go back to living in caves underground... too constricting for someone like


Amelia looked worried. “Ranma, do you think some creature or instrument of evil got hold of

him? What if he’s being tortured by the likes of demons, or he’s already been killed...”

“Amelia?” Ranma said as she glared at her fiance.

“Yes?” Amelia questioned, stopping in mid speech.

“What’d I say about ranting?” He said, irritated that his bride to be had been brought up to be just

like Kuno in her speech patterns.

Amelia blushed. “Sorry sweety.” She said. “I’m just worried.”

Ranma stood up and sighed. “Well he didn’t go unwillingly. All his stuff was gathered up and he

appears to have walked away on his own. There’s only one pair of prints so I’m going to assume

that Xellos teleported or flew.”

“Are we going after him Papa-san?” Amelia asked excitedly, not having had a good fight in a

while she was itching to find something worthy of her talents.

Ranma smiled. “Of course. I’ve been sensing some pretty heavy magic somewhere in the direction

his prints lead since we left Pharackineis. You probably feel it too, don’t you?” He asked.

Crimson nodded. “Yes I feel it.”

Amelia looked thoughtful and then nodded. “Now that you mention it...”

Ranma bent down and quickly gathered up his things. “Well I guess we can spare a little side

quest to go find my brother. It’s no big deal.”

Crimson nodded and picked up her own pack as well. “All RIGHT!!” She cried happily in

wistful anticipation as she started to walk with Ranma towards where Fenhein had gone.

“Shouldn’t we eat some breakfast first?” Amelia offered, not wanting her stew to go to waste as

she just finished it and put it on a couple of plates she had bought from the beach resort gift shop.

Ranma and Crimson were already sitting down and wolfing down the food like ravenous wolves

before she could finish her sentence. “Yeah it can wait.” Ranma stated between bites.

Crimson nodded. “More pressing matters.”

Amelia looked somewhat flustered. “Are you sure she’s adopted?” She stated, noting how

incredibly alike the two were in mannerisms and eating habits.


Ranma just stared shocked as he and his family stood at the open gate to the dark elf city. She and

Amelia had similar expressions painted on while Crimson stood jaw agape and smiling.

 “Wow!!” The young dragon stated, staring at the vast cavernous city of the dark elves, lit by

thousands of torches. Towers and pillars jutted out from the floor to the roof and the roof to the

floor, intertwining bridges and staircases that spun all around the great city while small houses

were built right into the surrounding rock. The difference was this time that there was nobody

there. The city was completely desolate, with the door wide open. The guards, like Fenhein was

when they first met, weren’t stationed outside at the entrance either.

“What happened here?” Ranma wondered as she stroked her fingers through her bleached white

hair. “It’s like... It’s like...”

“They all disappeared.” Amelia finished for her fiance. She then went to Ranma’s side and clasped

hands with the other girl. “Do... Do you think there was an attack?” She asked worried about the

entire race of elves.

Ranma shook her head as she walked forward leading her small party into the depths of the city

across the main bridge, which far surpassed all other’s in size. “No.” She started, still holding

Amelia’s hand. “There would have been signs of battle if that were the case. Nobody but the elves

have been here.”

“So they all left on their own?” Crimson asked.

Ranma nodded and looked confused. “But I don’t know why. There’s no logical explanation as to

why they would have left so suddenly...” Ranma suddenly paused in her stride and looked

frantically around. “I feel... someone.” She stated. Ranma then let go of Amelia’s hand and sat

down cross legged on the floor. Crimson quickly followed her father’s example and they began to


Amelia frowned. “What are you two doing? This isn’t a time to nap! We have to find out what

happened here and defend the honor of this great city with the righteous fist of justice!” She said

with an over dramatic pose.

“Can you sense them?” Ranma asked, as though he hadn’t even heard his fiance.

Crimson just nodded. The both of them so deep in their meditation that they could not even hear

Amelia’s Kuno rant. “There are people... their chi is weak, unfocussed.” She said in an abnormally

serious tone for the young girl.

“Where are they?” Ranma asked, extending her own senses to try and find that answer for herself.

Crimson’s eyes flared open and she stood up immediately, knocking Amelia, who was standing

overtop of her, backwards and onto her butt. Crimson looked towards the houses that lined the

outer wall of the city and pointed. “There. Slightly scattered. More than one person.”

Ranma opened up her eyes and smiled at her daughter. “Very good. Your chi control is getting

better by the day... You may actually surpass me at some point.”

Crimson smiled bubbly as was her norm. “Really papa-san!?”

Ranma just smiled. “No.” Crimson fumed at that and crossed her arms. Ranma’s serious

expression returned a moment later as she turned towards the place her daughter had pointed.

“Let’s go.”

Amelia, Ranma, and Crimson all cast Ray wing and shot off through the city towards the chi

signatures. Ranma and Crimson gracefully set down on the smooth rock road that connected

the houses lining the cavern’s walls, while Amelia promptly tripped and fell on her face. “Ow.”

she muttered as she lay there.

“Mama-san!” Crimson cried as she shot to her side along with Ranma. “Are you all right?”

Amelia laughed. “Oh it’s nothing Crimson dear. Just a little accident. Heh heh.”

Ranma smiled. “Heh heh. You really are a klutz..”

Amelia frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean Ranma?”

Ranma suddenly shut up... her mouth instantly closed as the sound of the short haired princess’s

voice and features. She had not yet actually insulted his new fiance and had just noticed now how

much she resembled Akane when she was angry. She smiled inwardly, back home she had three

fiances and he couldn’t choose between them because she loved each one of them equally. Ukyo

was her best friend and had always stuck up for her, as well she openly displayed her affection for

him so he had no questions as to where he stood in her heart. Shampoo was an amazing cook and

was very beautiful, as well she was very intelligent and a real ‘go getter’ so to speak. She knew

what she wanted and she went to get it. That was something Ranma admired. Akane was

different, she was shy and had trouble telling her feelings, much like she herself did. She was hard

to get and always hid behind a wall of violence and insults that Ranma was intent on breaking

through, though he obviously went about it the wrong way. He really did love them all, but as

friends. He had trouble even imagining them as anything more now.

Amelia was something else. She was dutiful, polite, adventurous, honorable, a good cook, she

didn’t seem bothered at all by the curse, and was always able to look on the bright side. Though

the rants were annoying, she seemed to be a stable mix of her original three fiances. But since she

was in another universe now she had no prior obligations... just an adopted daughter and a fiancé,

a cute one a that. “Cute.” Ranma said out loud, not really realizing that she had indeed said it.

“C...cute?” Amelia asked. Blushing furiously. “Y...you really think I’m cute?” She asked, shuffling

her feet, her anger at the insult completely forgotten.

Ranma’s eyes bugged out and she realized that her mouth had switched to autopilot during her

revery. “Ahh... that is... well I didn’t know that I’d... um...” She stuttered not sure what to say.

*Just say the truth!* Screamed her thoughts. *Tell her you think she’s cute and that you’re glad

you’re engaged to her. DO IT!!* Ranma chuckled and put her hand on the back of her neck.


Amelia jumped forward and hugged Ranma. “I love you too Ranma!” She stated.

“B...wha...I just... I mean...” Ranma sputtered, not having expected to hear a phrase like that

come out from nowhere. She slowly lowered her arms and wrapped them around her one and

only cute fiancé and smiled.

“We should start planning the wedding for when we find Fenhein and get back to Seyroone.

Daddy will be so happy! I could invite Lina as my bride’s maid... and maybe Filiel... You could

have your brother as the best man... or even Gourry. You two seemed to get along fine when last

we met up with them and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah....” Amelia ranted.

Ranma sighed as she was told in detail the girl’s wedding plans. She sighed remembering Amelia’s

fatal personality flaw: She got WAY too excited WAY too easily. “This is so embarrassing.” She

muttered looking towards Crimson, who wasn’t where she had last seen her. “Crimson?” Ranma

called out, breaking the hug with Amelia and looking frantically around. “CRIMSON!?!” She

called out again, worry sending a cold shiver up her spine.

Just then Crimson walked out of the house they were standing outside of with a struggling elf

child.”Unhand me!” He cried when he had realized that his efforts were futile against the

surprisingly strong woman. “Who are you people!?” He demanded upon seeing Ranma and

Amelia. The boy was no older than eight or so and didn’t have the usual blue crystal that all the

other dark elves, Ranma and Amelia had seen, had. He was very skinny and had short brown hair.

“What’s wrong Daddy?” She said.

Ranma sighed in relief at seeing Crimson unhurt, not that she was worried or anything. She was

able to take care of herself. She just couldn’t help worrying when she just disappeared like that.

“Nothing. Who’s that?” She asked, nodding towards the kid.

Crimson shrugged. “I’unno. Some kid. There’s a couple of other kids in there too. I haven’t seen

any adults.”

“I have a name!” The kid growled. “And I told it to you already! LET ME GO!” He whined.

Ranma leaned down to the kid. “Yo kid. What happened here? Where is everyone?” She asked.

“Is it just you kids left?” She asked.

The boy stopped his struggles and just pouted at the pretty white haired girl. “My names

Helmut... and... when I woke up... my mommy was walking around the house gathering any

weapons she could then she left along with the rest of the city.”

Ranma looked confused at the explanation the little boy gave him as Amelia knelt down beside

her. “Was there anything strange about her?” She asked.

Helmut shuffled nervously. “Well...” He started.

Amelia put a comforting hand on the boy’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. You can tell us. We’re here

to help.” She said with a reassuring smile to set the young boy’s mind at ease.

The boy looked nervous and thoughtful and then his eyes shot open as though he’d just

remembered something important. “Her eyes!” He stated.

“Eyes?” Ranma questioned.

The boy nodded. “Yeah. They were glowing. They were glowing blue and she was walking like

a zombie. The whole city just walked away... their eyes all glowing blue.” Tears began to well up

in the boys eyes and he began to sniffle. “I thought it was just a dream until I woke up later after

falling asleep again and... and there was no one here.”

Amelia took the boy into her arms and held him comfortingly. “Shhh. It’s okay Helmut... They’ll

be back. We’ll find them.”

The boy cried for a moment and Ranma stood up with a concerned look in her eyes. “Blue.”

She muttered, looking towards the large doors that led outside the city.



Author’s Notes: {Done. Time for some new chapters of Dragon’s Bond. Let’s find out where that

city of Elves wandered off to shall we?}

Morden Night: mordennight@hotmail.com


That’s right. Read it and weep.