Self Insertion

This is a self insertion fic. It's pretty much me and my friend get into a Sliders type mix up. Cept we go to worlds like Animes and Cartoons and Movies and other stuff. Both of us are writing it as well so the Genre will fluctuate. Be warned, be afraid, be readin' my story please. And enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own nothin! Cept me!

* *: Thoughts

Capital letters: Shouting or loud noises

< >: Japanese

_ _: Stressed words

{ }: Josh's own thoughts

( ): Evan's own thoughts and location

Chapter 12


Josh sat in Ben's apartment watching TV. She was once again in her female form and was watching a whole bunch of anime that she had bought from a local comic store. She had rented a few Ranma 1/2 tapes which she was surprised existed in this universe. She yawned and took the tape she was currently watching out of the VCR. She turned on the regular TV and smiled when the news came on. "This ought to be a laugh." She noted as she sat on the floor in front of the TV. Just then the reporter looked over a piece of paper and looked shocked.

"Oh my god! They're BACK!" The news anchor said. "I can't believe their BACK!" Josh smiled. She knew exactly what the girl was talking about.

"I see the Fan Four and the Avengers are back in town." Josh noted. "Evan would love to talk to Reed."

Evan dragged his arms across the floor as he walked from his room, "Evmhm wanna see NObody!! Evmhm seep now." the dark haired boy collapsed on the floor over dramatically.

Josh eyed him and looked back to the screen, "I thought you might want to talk to Reed. He and the rest of the FF are back now you know."

Instantly Evan was up and hopping on one foot. "Reed Richards!?! HERE!?! In New York!?!.... I'm gonna die." Evan back flipped into a comfy chair in the living room and put his hand to his chin. "How do I get out of this?"

Josh shrugged, "It's your problem Evan. You did destroy their building."

The symbiotic teen pondered this carefully, "Tis true. But the Venom DID destroy the 3rd quarter of the four freedoms plaza." Evan looked in dismay as a tendril of a viscous black liquid curled up and formed a Venom head in front of him. "But I am Venom now aren't I? Well doesn't this just ruin my day!"

Josh shrugged. "Actually they don't take residence in four freedoms plaza again, they have some sort of base in the south pole for the first bit and then at pier four. You won't get in trouble. But you could find Reed and see if he can help us get back to the Ranma 1/2 universe."

Evan looked over to josh. "Well aren't you greedy!!! And it's not even your birthday!!.... which makes no sense. But anywho. I will go see Reed to help us with our predicament." Evan melted down to a black puddle and oozed to the window to reform into Venom. "Be back for Supper!!!" Venom spun off a web line and swung out of the window, leaving Josh to her TV watching.


Venom landed on Empire state university. *Where the heck is pier four!?! Symbiote, do you know?* A slight tingle told the muscular hero that it did. *Lead on!* He thought as he leapt off the roof of the campus dorm spinning out one of his now common electrical web lines, which sparkled and gave him a small light in the early morning.

A short time later Venom landed on well lit building on the dock. *Well it is a pier isn't it? I guess that's right. Thanks symbiote.* A happy buzz in his head went off and Venom smiled. *Time to visit some people I barely know. Yeah!!!*

Regular looking Evan knocked on the metal doors which was answered by a mass of orangy stone that was known as the Thing. Evan looked up at him and gulped, *If they were going back to the old FF building I would be soooo dead.* Evan thought as Ben looked him over.

"Yah got business kid? Or is this another fanboy social call?" He asked in a gruff voice.

"Um, kinda both. I need to talk to Reed about a multiuniversal problem I seem to be having, and I was thinking I could get him to help me with my universal quantum phase generation amplifier thingy." Ben looked confused.

"Soooo Your the pizza boy?"

"Yeah basically. So where's Reed I have a double cheese with his name on it." Evan said with a smile. Just then Reed popped out from behind Ben and, looking intrigued, asked Evan.

"What's this about a universal quantum phase generation amplifier?" He asked.

Evan looked a little sheepish. "Actually I kind of made it sound more important than it actually was. It's really just a multiverse transporter that I made. And me and my friend are stuck in this dimension when we need to be in another. Do you think you could help us out?" Evan looked hopeful.

Reed smiled And stretched his arm out so that it grabbed Evan around the shoulders leading him inside. "I'd love to. We often have problems with alternate universes as well. Come into my lab and show me this device." Evan nodded and followed Reed into pier four.

"Cool. Can I call a friend so he can see this. I think he would be interested in this type of stuff, and I'm his apprentice so I want him to be here." Evan asked of the stretchy scientist beside him.

"Oh?" Reed asked. "Who is this friend of yours?"

"Curt Conners, used to be the Lizard and still is... sort of." Evan said as he continued to keep pace with Reed.

Reed put his hand on his chin. "Intriguing. I'd like to meet this Curt person. The name sounds familiar."

"Ok, can I give him a call? He's in the city." Evan offered as he stopped to get Reed's answer.

Reed stretched his arm out across most of the pier and picked up a phone from somewhere. He then pulled it back and handed it to Evan. "Be my guest."


Josh smiled as she soared across the city on a goblin glider. *It's good I stole this from Norman before I killed him.* She thought. She was currently in her Spider Girl costume. She went up high and flew around in a seemingly sporadic and random pattern. When she moved away though the clouds of smoke she left behind said.



Josh then turned the goblin glider around and went in the direction of the statue of liberty.


Back at pier four "Hey Curt! I got us a brain storming session with Reed Richards!!" There was a blurb of excited sound over the phone, "Yeah, yeah, Get over here!.... Ok.... Sure.... Ok, Bye." Evan waited a sec and then handed the phone back to Reed, "He'll be over in a minute Reed. He said to start without him."

Reed nodded and placed the phone back to where ever it had come from, "I look forward to meeting your friend." He then led Evan down a few halls towards his lab. "Now why don't you tell me about this problem of yours with the multiverse?"

Evan shrugged, "Ok. It's mostly my friends problem. He got married to a girl in a parallel universe after a spell was read out loud at my school in what I refer to as universe 'A'. So now I'm in universe 'C' and want to get to A, but my friend desperately wants to go to B cause his wife is pregnant. It's quite interesting and I can't seem to find the way to go back to a previously visited universe. So I need your help." Evan breathed for a second and handed Reed the device that allowed him and Josh to shift universes.

Reed looked the device over, "Hmmm, what are these numbers here?" He asked pointing to a screen that displayed eight red numbers.

Evan shrugged. Those are what I call the quantum coordinates. They're basically the multiversal code for where this universe is, and the numbers underneath that in blue, are how much time we have left in this universe. I've managed to save the coordinates of this universe in the device but the coordinates of the last two are a whole nother story."

Just then Johnny ran past the pair "see yah Reed! I just got an important message and I gotta head out." Reed nodded not really having heard what the boy had said.

"So tell me this other person, did he come of his own free will?" Reed asked the boy beside him.

Evan shrugged. "That's not the point."


Johnny Storm, otherwise known as the human Torch, soared through the sky over the waters towards the statue of liberty. His entire body was set aflame and a trail of fire trailed behind him. He came up to the statue f Liberty and landed on it's head. He looked around a moment and thought to himself. *What if it's not really Spidey.* He thought. *What if it's just some ruse to get me here for fight? What if...*

The Torches thoughts were cut off by a feminine voice behind him. "Hey Flame Brain!" the voice said. Torch turned around and set up a heat blast ready to barbecue anyone who might be behind him. What he saw shocked and surprised him. It was a girl, with nice curves and proportions, in a tight spandex, revised, Spider Man costume. Torch lowered his guard but looked confused as well.

"Who the hell are you?" He asked. Spider Girl stepped forward and took off her mask, revealing a pretty young teenaged girl with short cropped blonde hair.

"You don't recognize me flame brain? I'm hurt." She said sarcastically.

Johnny's jaw dropped at the sight. "Sp...SPIDEY!?!" He asked bewildered. "W...What happened!?" He asked. Spidey sat down on the edge of miss liberties head and shrugged.

"Let's just say that a LOT has happened since you guys left. It's good to see you back but it kind of sucks that we have to be reunited like this." She said, indicating her body.

Torch sat down beside her and never took his eyes off of her. "What happened? How did you get like this?" He asked intrigued. Josh shrugged.

"You're in the hero biz too so you believe in magic right?" Torch nodded.

"Of course! Who in this business hasn't?" He asked with a roll of his eyes.

Josh nodded. "And alternate realities?" She asked again.

Torch chuckled. "Just came back from one."

Josh smiled and pulled a paper bag out from behind her back. "Basically I got thrown into another dimension and got splashed with this magical water that permanently turned me into a female version of myself. The only real perk is that I'm extremely hot, and a lot faster."

Torch nodded. "Yup. The only thing that's really happened to us is that our original home was destroyed. And were stuck living in Reeds storage house in pier four."

Josh chuckled. "You know what's funny? Venom is the one who destroyed four freedoms plaza. It was during a fight I was having with him. He also stole a bunch of stuff from Reed's labs. So how's ben and the rest of the fam?" She asked with a smile.

Torch frowned. "Remind me to seek out Venom and beat him up some time. Ben's same as ever, ol' rock head's just moping around most of the time about not being able to live where we used to. He blames the Thunderbolts. Sue's cool as usual, and Reed's boring and boring. That about sums it all up." Josh nodded. She then opened up the paper bag and pulled out a couple cheeseburgers.

She held one out to Johnny. "Want one?" She asked.

"No thanks." Josh shrugged and put one back in the bag, she then unwrapped the first one and started eating it. "What else's happened while we were away?" Johnny asked.

Josh wiped her mouth on her sleeve and shrugged. "Not a whole lot concerning me. The Lizards a good guy, Mysterio's a good guy, Venom's a good guy, I'm a girl, there's a Spider Man clone running around, The Green Goblin's dead, Electro's dead... and that's about it." Torch looked surprised.

"That's like...HALF of the main bad guys on your enemy list or something." Josh shrugged.

"It's no big deal. I've still got lots left. It'll be a while before I can get rid of them all." Josh paused for a moment and there was a little bit of an awkward silence. "Sooo, Any pretty ladies in your life Torchie?" She asked.

Johnny shook his head. "Not really."

Joshes jaw dropped and she stared at Johnny in surprise. "WOW! You _have_ changed. Usually you can't get all of ladies off of you! Whatever happened to Johnny Storm the playboy?" Johnny blushed a little.

"Whatever. I just got back from an alternate reality. I haven't had much time for stuff like that."

Spider Girl snorted. "There's always time for the ladies."

Johnny smirked and glanced at Spidey. "You know, that sounds odd now coming from you."

Josh frowned and held up a finger at the smart mouthed storm. "Watch it boy, I'm married. My wife wouldn't really think too much of me if I went out picking up women." Johnny's jaw dropped again and he stared at the young girl beside him.

"MARRIED!! WIFE!!?? When'd this happen?"

Josh shrugged and started counting on her fingers. "Let's see, about......four months ago? Idon't know! Somewhere around there. She doesn't mind the fact that I'm a girl right now either, we just go about our normal lives. She's pregnant too."

Johnny looked confused. "I don't see how that can work if you're both women."

Josh shook her head. "NAW! It was before the curse when that happened."

Johnny nodded in understanding. "I seee." Josh polished off the burger and then stood up.

"Well I gotta go Torchy. I got to get to work soon."


"Yeah. I got a job as a cop. Best on the force." Josh pulled out a piece of paper from her pocket in her jacket and handed it to the Torch. "Here's my address and phone number. Friday's poker night if you want to join." Torch nodded.


Josh then spun a web line onto lady liberties arm and spun herself around, launching herself out as far as she could across the water. She pulled out a small device from her pocket and pressed a little red button on it. The goblin glider she had stolen then rushed to her side and she landed on it, flying the rest of the way home to Ben's apartment.


The next Friday at Ben's apartment.

Johnny storm looked at the small piece of paper in his hand and then up to the address on the door. "This is it." He muttered to himself. He then lifted his arm up and knocked on the door. A moment later the door was answered by Josh who was in her Spider girl uniform only without the mask on.

"Hey matchstick you're just in time we just started super hero strip poker." Josh then grabbed Johnny and yanked him inside before he could protest. She then slammed the door. Inside the apartment, Venom, wearing a business suit for some reason, the lizard, Mysterio, and two Spider Men were all sitting at a circular table with their costumes on. Josh sat down to join them and then dealt out the cards including a hand for Johnny. "Sit down." She said.

Johnny pointed to the two Spider men as he took his seat and looked a little confused. "I take it these are the clones you were talking about?" He asked Josh.

Ben and Peter looked to Josh with angry faces hidden by masks. "CLONES!?!" They yelled at the same time.

Venom looked at Josh seeming quite disappointed, "Josh, that was pretty low. I mean taking identities is wrong." Venom morphed into Reed Richards, "CAUSE I'M THE REAL REED RICHARDS!!!" He then shut his mouth and turn back into Venom with a steel bolt over his mouth. HE barely managed to get out a small comment, "I'll be quiet now."

Josh shrugged. "I just warped the truth to the twenty fifth dimension to get Johnny to join us." Johnny frowned.

"You could have just asked."

Josh chuckled. "This way was more fun." Josh looked at her cards thoughtful for a moment and looked at Evan. "I raise you your Symbiote."

Venom looked shocked, "MY SYMBIOTE!!! I can't just give away a part of me!!! I mean, Eddie died from giving this beauty away!!!... that and a cruel beating, but that's not the point. The point here is no!!! I'll bet Curt here. But not my symbiote!!" Curt glanced at Evan curiously.

"You know you can't bet me." Evan put on a sad face and slowly morphed into chibi Venom.

"PUHLEASSSEEE!" HE begged with a whimper.

"NO!! I will not be bet!!!" Evan smiled and grew to normal size.

"Ok, it's settled, I match your bet with Curt."

Josh shook her head. "No. Just get the symbiote to detach from you for a bit. You won't die but if you don't...that's another story all together." Evan sighed.

"But I'm naked underneath."

Josh shrugged. "So? You loose that much quicker. Big deal. We all know what you'd do if you kept the symbiote on for the game." everyone nodded except Johnny and Evan gave up so that he wouldn't be beaten.

"I raise you your mask." Johnny said to Spider Man, or at least the man with the older Spidey costume. Pete shrugged.


The night went on. The people lost clothes, and evan lost money because he lost all his clothes the first round. (Symbiote)

At the end of the night there was a bunch of naked men and one girl, they began to argue. "JOSH YOU CHEATER!!!" Evan yelled. "I"M GOING TO THE OLD FF BUILDING!!!" With that he charged up his electricity and shot off in the general direction of the ruins of the four freedoms plaza. Screams of 'Look at that naked flying guy,' and 'is that electro, but naked?' echoed through the streets.

"Johnny looked over to the money counting, unclothed spider girl. "Venom was right, you must be cheating. To test this I am going to deal out two hands, one for me and one for you. No bets, just play." Josh shrugged.

"Or I could raise you the Fantasticar. BUT! If you get my willing services to do anything you want for an entire year"

Johnny looked suspiciously at the girl as he dealt out the cards. "Fine. That's five. You staying or will you draw?" Josh studied her cards, and then the deck.

"Give me two cards please." Johnny dealt the cards. He drew three cards himself and dropped three of his other cards.

"Draw?" Johnny asked.

"NO, I'm good." Josh responded casually. Johnny nodded gravely, looking over his hand of three aces, and two kings.

"Ok, drop em." Josh put down slowly, ten, jack, queen, king, ace. All spades. Johnny threw his cards to the floor. "YOU HAVE GOT THE SAME HAND ALL NIGHT!!!! SHOW YOUR SLEEVES!!!"

"I don't have sleeves!" Josh protested. Johnny hung his head as Curt put a comforting hand upon the flaming torches shoulder.

"Don't worry about it Johnny."


Meanwhile at the four freedoms plaza.

Evan brooded at in the remains of Reed's study. Books of mechanics strewn about the desk, *I will do something. I don't know what. But something will be done.*He held up a book on bio-mechanics, *Ohh, this could be good!* In a matter of minutes he had put to heart the information on the pages and had started to work on some sketches of his next invention.


"WHEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Josh yelled as she flew around New York in the FANTASTICAR. She had modified it earlier by painting the sides to have big Spidey eyes instead of a four. She wasn't in her Spider Girl costume at the moment she was in a police uniform. All of a sudden she heard a voice on the police radio she had installed in the car.

"Robbery in progress on main street."

Josh frowned. "This is a job for...the police...ROOOOXANNE YOU DON'T HAVE TO PUT UP A RED LIGHT!!" Josh then pulled out a police siren with a little red spinning light and stuck it to the side of the FANTASTICAR. Headed towards the crime scene.




Johnny shrugged, "You could build a new one." He offered meekly.

"BUILD A NEW ONE!!! I DON"T HAVE THE RESOURCES I HAD A FOUR FREEDOMS PLAZA JOHNNY!!! You are going to have to ask Spider Girl for it back!!" Johnny slouched and started towards the door.

"Flame on." He muttered as he reached the exit of pier four. Johnny began to slowly lift off the ground and then took off into the horizon.

Reed scratched the back of his head "Kids these days, betting the car. What's next?"


At four freedoms plaza. "Done." Evan said as he stopped channeling his electrical energies. "My suit is done." He looked down on the small gem before him. "All I have to do is fuse this beaut with my skin. No prob." He held the crimson gem up to his chest and began to charge up a massive electrical charge. The gem's crimson surface began to liquify and black swirls began moving around in intricate patterns. Then Evan released the charge into the technological core of the gem. The gem shot out of the youths hand and imbedded it's self, colours still swirling, into his chest. Evan let out a yell of agony as his flesh seemed to smolder and lines of black and crimson began rippling on his now dark skin. Electricity shot in random directions and kicked up dust. A few minutes later the dust cleared revealing the new Evan. He stepped from the dust, crimson armor glistening. He ran a large, clawed hand over his smooth head. Feeling his face he realized everything had worked. "It's done." He muttered in a menacing tone, his voice deepened greatly.

He felt the sharp edges of the spikes on his arms, jutting out just before the elbow. The broad, muscular chest plating that opened to reveal two concave lens. He concentrated his electrical energies and much to his pleasure the lens began to vibrate and turn dark with energy. Then he walked to a mirror to better look at himself. "Excellent. It's perfect." He exclaimed as he looked himself up and down. His face now devoid of emotions and features except for the piercing black eyes that burned with an evil red hue in the center. Two orbs wavered slightly on his head and he felt every movement around him. The sensation overwhelmed him for a while and he push a book over just to feel the air move around the book and hit the ground with a thump. He bent down and noticed his spined knee caps. His entire back was covered in similar spines that extended out four inches long each. The he decided to test his flight capabilities. He ran to the window at sub sonic speed and launched himself off of the building, extending his arms and smiling when the spines on his back melded into his body and regrowing between his arms and sides, creating thin wings that caught the updrafts of warm air in the city and kept him afloat. *Time to test the capabilities.* Evan thought as he flew off in the direction of main street. *Always some crimes on main street.*


Josh flew up to a bank and landed the FANTASTICAR on the curb. She hopped out of the tub-like flying machine and walked towards the bank. She pulled out her gun and walked towards the entrance. Some other police and some reporters tried to stop her but she walked right by them and into the bank. The female reporter faced the camera and then spoke into it.

"Good lord one of the defiant police officers has just entered the bank where Whirlwind, an old Avengers foe is holding up the bank."

A moment later Josh smiled as she tied up Whirlwind with her webs. "All in a days work." She noted to herself. She then looked thoughtful. "This situation seems familiar." She muttered to herself. She heard a crash behind her and then turned around to see ALL of the Avengers standing in a hole in the wall.

"AVENGERS ASSEM...ble?" They all seemed to trail off.

Josh smiled and waved politely. "Hiya! I beat up whirly here pretty bad so you guys beating him up would be kind of pointless." Hawkeye looked around and then just stared at Josh.

"You're just a cop." He said amazedly.

Josh frowned at Hawkeye. "What you think Super Heroes are the only ones who can stop a super powered villain?" Nobody said anything. Josh shrugged. "Okay so you're right. But I am going to have to write you guys up for destroying that wall. That's public property and don't think that just because you're famous you can get away with vandalism." Josh then pulled out a little flip pad and wrote out all of the names of the Avengers involved with the wrecked wall.

Hawkeye boggled at this "YOU'RE WRITING UP A POLICE REPORT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" He asked in absolute shock.

Josh frowned and pointed at him angrilly. "HEY! NOBODY IS ABOVE THE LAW! I DIDN'T WRITE IT I JUST WORK FOR IT SO BACK OFF BEFORE I ARREST YOU FOR HARASSING AN OFFICER!" Hawkeye backed up a little surprised.

*Hmmm This girl is too young to be a police officer...she's hiding something.* Hawkeye thought. *Maybe cap wouldn't mind if...Hmmm*

A brief swish of wind moved the hair of all around. Everyone turned to face the source of the wind, all ready to face a villain, Hawkeye returned to thinking, *Did Whirlwind wake up? Or is this a new villain?* The gathered heroes watched the small cloud of dust settle, readying for the anticipated battle.

The dust cleared revealing a crimson clad man, or more like a youth. *Judging by height, I'd say this guy is like 19ish. And he seems cocky...* The crimson warrior looked around, he brought a hand up to where his mouth should have been and emitted a deep laugh.

"HAHAHAHA!!! OH GOD!!! IT'S The _Mighty_ Avengers!! You guys SUCK!!!! You hear me? SUUUUCKKK!!!!" The crimson armoured person then steped down from the ledge he had been standing on, "Hey Josh." He then walked up to Hawkeye, "You know Hawkeye, you are probably the only non corny Avenger. And for that I respect you, but the rest of you SUUUCKK!!!" He pointed a clawed finger into the crowd of heroes, "that's right you suck and you know it. Justice is ok, Quicksilver is cool cause his dad is Magneto and he's hella cool. Firestar is freaken hot!!" He gave a thumbs up to Justice, "Way to go man. You know how to pick up."

Hercules and Namor seemed extremely agitated by the new comer and expressed this in the form of violence. Namor and Hercules Bowled Evan over and they both landed tons of super powered punches on the boy. "MOCK THE NAME OF THE AVENGERS!! AND THE AVENGING SON NAMOR!?! YOU'LL PAY FOR THINE INSOLENCE!!" Namor screamed. All of a sudden thick strnds of webbing covered Namor and Hercules.

"ALL RIGHT THAT'S IT! THAT IS PHYSICAL ABUSE AND IN THE EYES OF THE LAW IS A JAILABLE OFFENSE! TO DO SO IN FRONT OF AN OFFICER TO AN INNOCENT BYSTANDER IS STUPIDITY INCARNATE!!" Josh screamed at the two oafs. She wrote up a ticket and then locked the both of them up in new adamantium cuffs she had gotten curt to create for her. "I'm taking you two in."

Hawkeyes jaw dropped. "My GOD! She just arrested two of the heaviest hitting AVENGERS!! She does not fear god."

The crimson hero shrugged and approached Hawkeye, "I think she's atheist, but that's not the point. She might just be able to kick the crap out of all of you. So you tell the rest of these pansies not to try any shit." Evan then approached Josh, "Thanks for the assist, I could have taken them... but I don't know to many of the none fatal capabilities of this new suit. So yeah, what do you think?" He said spreading his arms and twirling on one foot. "Nice suit or no?"

Josh admired it for a moment. "Nice. Much more stylish and futuristic than the symbiote. That things really old fashioned. If I ever see you imitate Judge Judy again though... Just watch your back."

Evan put up his armored arms defensively. "I know! I know! I'll never do it again."

Josh nodded and then picked up Whirlwind and the two grumbling avengers to bring them to the FANTASTICAR so she could drive them off to the station.

Evan turned to Darkhawk, "I like the suit, hope you don't mind me taking some ideas from it. Cause I did."

Darkhawk looked at the crimson kid, "Sure, glad you like my costume... I think." He muttered, still in shock from the arrests of his teammates. Evan picked up on this instantly.

"Don't worry about them Darky, I'm thinking me, you and Moonknight create a little team. We could beat anything!! You think about that. I just got to find Moonknight..." Evan phased out for a second, "now I had the comics of Moonknight around this time... What was he doing?" He muttered in a low voice holding one hand to his chin, "Wasn't he helping the Punisher beat up his brother... or was it Moonknight's brother... I'll never get that straight!! So Darky? Wanna join my little shindig? We'll toast marshmallows! On Specter's budget! Can't get better than free marshmallows!!" Evan started tapping Darkhawk in the side saying "Eh, Eh." Over and over until Darkhawk finally caved.

"Great!! Let's go find Moonknight!!" Evan was crouched down to jump into the air to start flying, when Hawkeye put a hand on his shoulder.

"Look, you come in here. Start poking fun at the Avengers of all people, get two of us imprisoned, and now start picking away at our team! Who do you think you are!?!" Evan pondered this for a moment and then responded.

"The question is, who do _YOU_ think _YOU_ are? I mean, parading around in SPANDEX!! At least Darkhawk here has some decency!!! He wears armor that doesn't _BULGE_ when a certain area gets happy!!! You avengers and breaking the law. You all need to be slapped with a big Indecent Exposure charge!! Except those with armor... and the chicks, I mean, chicks in spandex!! God!! You must be gay not to enjoy that!!" Some of the male avengers smiled and nodded in agreement, receiving glares promising a long death from the female members of the team. "Ok, we still going to make a team Darkhawk?" The hero nodded. Evan glared at Hawkeye. "You look gayest of all, I mean... _PURPLE__SPANDEX_... Think about that just for a second."

"Sorry guys, but the team was getting too crowded anyways." Hawkeye nodded.

"Ok Darkhawk, do what you will."

Evan looked at Hawkeye, "Your still pretty cool Hawkeye, but put on a jock or something. K? For humanity."


Later at Specter Mansion. Evan knocked on the large oaken door. "Is anybody home!!!" He yelled as he pounded harder and harder on the door untill it consequentialy broke wide open.

Evan looked at the splintered remains of the door, "oops. Um, come on Darkhawk, I guess we can go in. Or can I call you Chris, you know, between friends." Darkhawk looked shocked.

"H-How did you know my name!??!" Evan shrugged.

"In my realm of existence we call them comics, ever heard of one?" Darkhawk nodded in awe.

"You mean I have a comic book in your world? Are you serious ... I'm famous ?!?"

"No, not really. Your series was cancelled and I think my little brother was the only one whining to get it back. Don't worry though, you get some one shots here and there." Darkhawk looked sad beneath his mask.

Just then Mark Specter, in full Moon Knight garb appeared at the door ready for battle. When he spotted Darkhawk he calmed down slightly, "Ok Darkhawk, what is going on that you would break down my door?" Evan stepped forward and offered a hand.

"I'm uhh, I don't have a super person name yet... So call me Venom, cause that's who I used to be untill I lost the symbiote in a bet." Mark blinked.

"Ok, what are you talking about and why did you break my door?" He said pointing to the splinters.

Evan shrugged, "I know you work solo generally, but I was wondering if you would join my little shindig of evil fighting. Please? For a fan?"

Moon knight looked instantly interested, "A fan you say?" Darkhawk looked a bit angry.

"Your _HIS_ fan but not mine!?!" Evan nodded.

"Yeah, cause Moon Knight has a better writer. Your guy sucked ass, and I mean pure ass. Now if you had J.M.S on your side, then you would be sweet. But none the less your powers are cool and would be an essential part of this thingy I'm trying to put together." Darkhawk rubbed his chin.

"Well ok. I guess thats a good point." Mr. Specter seemed very confused.

"Ok, who is J.M.S? And why do you want me to join?" Evan formed a chair out of his back spikes and sat down.

"Well, first off, I like your style. You fight with expertise that even I have yet to master. The fact that you will need help against your psycho brother, who will return from the presumed grave and haunt you unless you end his life or team up with the ruthless Punisher. Plus you have the resourses to make this team great." Mark pondered this.

"My brother is coming back? I thought I saw him die..." Evan shrugged.

"Great plot idea from the people at marvel, your brother, whom you thought was impaled on a tree was not actually your brother for a reason I cannot remember at this given time, he will be around in a matter of days so I will get a refresher on that. Plus there is a cult of the Moon and you will need some new armor for that, preferably something spiked but light and bullet proof. Now the Punisher will meet with us in the temple of the moon after some Aim weapons. He will be of great service, trust me. I know Darkhawk doesn't like his style and you won't either but he is a good fighter and will be a great benefit to the team." Evan stopped and breathed for a bit to let the information sink in.

Moonknight looked at the armor clad boy strangely. "And I should believe you why?" He asked.

Evan shrugged, "Probably cause I'm right. But you know, that whole being right thing is so over-rated."

Moonknight just stared at him. "Alright, I'll listen to you for now, but if your lieing!" He got a menacing look on his face and brought his index finger across his neck and made a ripping sound.

Evan barely kept from laughing, "Ok fine mister executioner knight of vengeance person. Just don't kill yourself for my mistakes." Moonknight raised an eyebrow under his mask.

"Huh!?! What is he talking about?" He questioned of Darkhawk, who responded with a shrug.

Evan slapped the two on the backs and led them inside, "Your a rich guy right? So you must have some cool ass video games."


Josh smiled as she came out of the interrogation room. She had just gotten both of them to confess to several crimes that would keep them in jail for a good twenty years. "No one escapes my justice." Josh looked at her watch and then sighed. "Ohh it's my lunch break." Josh then headed out to go to the daily grind.

When she got there Ben, and everyone else at the daily grind was looking at her weirdly. Josh looked around confused. "What?" She asked the crowd of people.

"IT'S HER!" Screamed a few people, reporters then burst through the doors of the small diner and started asking Josh questions while the cameramen picked it all up on tape.

"What's it like to arrest two Avengers?"

"What fates do these people have?"

"Will you arrest any other avengers?"

"How long are they in for?"

"Where did you get a FANTASTICAR!?!"

Josh walked over to Ben and smiled at him. "So how's Desiree? You guys still dating?"

Ben smiled, "Yeah actually, I'm thinking of proposing to her." He responded.

Josh looked shocked and webbed all of the reporters to a wall. "That was quick. You really falling for the girl eh?"

Ben rubbed the top of his head and blushed a bit, "Yeah, I guess I am." Josh put a hand on Ben's shoulder.

"Well Good for you buddy!! Glad to see you and Des happy! So when are you going to pop the question?" Ben shrugged.

"I'm waiting for the right moment, you know, trying to start it off to a great beginning." Josh nodded.

"Yeah, I remember when I got married, best thing to happen to me." This got Ben's courage up a bit.

"Yeah, I'm thinking I'll have a big traditional wedding. Church and flowers and all." Josh nodded.

"Again, I'm glad your making this decision, and I enjoy talking to you and all, but there are some Avengers that ned jailing. So I guess It's bye for now, K?" Ben nodded.

"Work before pleasure huh? Well to bad, I guess I'll catch you later. See ya!" Ben watched as Spider Girl walked out the door.

Josh paused after she climbed into the FANTASTICAR and paused for a second, *He's a good kid. He'll make a great father and husband to Desiree.* Then he started towards the station whistling a happy tune.

Just then as Josh was flying through the air a pinkish blue glow surrounded the car and Kasumi appeared. However she missed the FANTASTICAR and fell to the ground below. Josh dived out of the FANTASTICAR and caught her pregnant wife, while swinging away, as the FANTASTICAR smashed into the side of a building completely destroying it.

Josh smiled as he swung into a back alley. She kissed Kasumi on the lips and smiled. "Hows little Morden doing?" She asked. Kasumi looked confused.

"Who's Morden?" Josh smiled.

"I thought it would be a cool name for the baby. Why? What were you thinking?" Kasumi shrugged.

"I was thinking of naming her after Akane, or Nabiki, maybe even our mother Kimiko."

Josh frowned. "The baby's a girl? Wait a minute. Nabiki, or Kimiko I can see, But Akane is the LAST name I would give that kid. She'd be sure to turn out as a pure brat."

Kasumi shrugged. "I guess. She's due in another couple months."

Josh smiled and then thought of something. "Did you get the doctors to find out the sex of our kid?"

Kasumi smiled. "I just have a feeling it's gonna be a girl."

Josh shrugged and grabbed her wife around the waist. "It doesn't matter to me. Male or Female I'm gonna love the little bugger." They then kissed passionately... let's skip the rest of the details and move on back to... the end of the chapter.


Author's notes: {I got lazy.}

(Yes, yes you did. At least I get to run through some Moon Knight stuff. Yeah for me. Yeah I just re-read the series and it is cool, Randel Specter aka Shadow Knight is in it so it will be neato to fight an invulnerable guy. And what has happened to Evan/Venom. Will I get my symbiote back in the short time that we are here in this marvel universe, and will I get more symbiotic stuff? All this remains to be seen, so till then true believers of this crap that we are writing. BYE!!!... and just for a friend of mine SHISSSNAKKKK!!!!)

{This is a Crappy Self Insertion that we wrote just for fun. We never even meant for other people to read it. This isn't really what I would do if I was in the Ranma, or Marvel-Verse. In case anyone wants to know... I will be writing another self Insertion fic that won't suck. I'll even put it on my main page.}

Agasaki Ishano:

Morden Night: