Dragon's Bond
Chapter 8
Ranma sighed as she pulled her ponytail in front of her face and stared at the bright white hair that
she now adorned. It annoyed her most though that she was stuck in her female form until the end
of the week due to the unique attributes of her Jusenkyo curse when attached to a magic user. She
was lucky though since it only happened when all her magical energies were depleted instead of
every month. “This sucks.” She muttered as she, Amelia, and a dragon Crimson walked up a
mountain towards a small shrine that the second piece of the map was supposed to be located at.
Amelia grabbed Ranma’s shoulder and gave it a little bit of a reassuring squeeze. “Don’t worry
Ranma. You’ve still got your fighting skills.”
Ranma pouted. “Yeah but I’m stuck as a girl, and it’s just well... y’know.”
Amelia looked confused. “No not really.”
Crimson snickered. “Well Papa-san... we’re almost at the next piece of the map, and we haven’t
encountered anything since that Mazoku King.”
Amelia looked confused. “I don’t really understand Ranma. If Mazoku Kings are the immediate
lackeys of the Lord of Nightmares... then why steal all the souls?”
Ranma shook her head. “I don’t know but I think we should find out before something really bad
happens. There’s still another four of them out there...somewhere”
Amelia sighed. “We might need Miss Lina and Gourry’s help.” she said. “If we’re actually going
to go after these Mazoku Kings.
Ranma nodded. “I agree. In fact I think we’re going to need the help of every magic user we
could possibly find. I can only do the Earth Nova once a month and I don’t think it would be a
good idea to even use it any more. I might just destroy the world myself If I use it too much.”
“WHAT!?!” Amelia and Crimson asked in surprise at that last statement.
“What do you mean you might destroy the world itself?” Crimson asked. “Papa what haven’t you
told me about this spell you made?” She asked with a slight frown as the shrine where the map lay
came into view.
Ranma sighed. “When I was studying under Galnaav I’d noticed that an untouched source of
power lay in the earth. The earth’s spirit. Where I come from It is referred to as Gaia. I draw
power for a earth nova directly from Gaia, and when I do that I take a little piece of it
permanently and disperse it into nothing.”
“You steal part of the earths soul?” Amelia asked in awe.
Ranma nodded. “If you find the right way any magician can do this however it is far to dangerous.
I had to do it back there at the resort. I had no time to think of a strategy. It was do or die.”
Ranma then looked determined as they walked up to the temple and stopped at the door. “I’m
either going to have to make up another spell like that, that doesn’t steal from Gaia, or...”
“Or what Papa-san?” Crimson questioned. Amelia too looked towards her fiancé with a
questioning gaze.
Ranma looked strained for a thought. “I...don’t...know.”
Amelia smiled and wrapped her arms around Ranma. “You’ll figure this out Ranma. You can do
anything. I mean look at what you’ve done just since we met.”
Ranma looked confused, as did his daughter. “What?”
Amelia continued on. “When me and you just met you seemed kind of dumb... probably just
because of the way you talked. But now you seem much more relaxed and civilized.”
Crimson smiled. “That’s right papa-san. I remember back when you just arrived here and we were
living with grandpa. You knew no magic, no writing, almost nothing. Now you’re a master
martial artist, linguist, and sorcerer instead of the big dumb idiot that you were before.”
Ranma growled. “WHO’S AN IDIOT!!!?” He yelled not realising that it was a compliment and
only hearing the ‘big dumb idiot part’. “And how many times have I told you not to call me papa-
san!?!?!?” Ranma then calmed down and chuckled. “I’m just kidding... we’ve all done some
growing.” Ranma then turned to the closed doors of the temple. “Now... is there supposed to be a
switch or some kind of puzzle to open the door?” She asked as she looked around for something
that could help. Ranma then sighed. “This would be a lot easier if we had...”
Ranma and Amelia jumped back in surprised as Crimson threw a massive Dragon fist through the
large wooden door. “There you go Papa.” She said with a toothy dragon smile.
Ranma frowned and crossed her arms across her ample bosom. “I could have done that!” She
Amelia smiled as she walked through the hole in the temple doors. Followed shortly thereafter by
a grumpy female Ranma. Crimson however decided to stay outside. Since her Duragnamera
artifacts hadn’t recharged fully.
“Well this is cozy.” Ranma stated as he looked through the long abandoned, dark, cobweb filled
shrine. Amelia called out a light spell and lit up the darkness revealing just a simple long corridor
that ends in a stairwell leading down. Ranma then pulled out the first part of the six part map. The
‘you are here’ message was directly overtop of the X. “This is a one story temple.” Ranma noted
as he looked it over. “So it’s gotta be below us.”
Amelia frowned. “This place is scary. Lets hurry up.”
Ranma shrugged and they walked down the hallway towards the stairwell. Ranma paused as they
came upon it and stared at a large stone tablet just above it with swirling handwriting. “Wait.” She
said, halting her fiancé with a hand. “There’s something written in Elvish here.”
Amelia looked at it carefully. “What does it say?” She asked the white haired martial
Ranma shrugged. “Ain’t got a clue. All I know is Draconic, Ogre, and Giant.”
Amelia got flustered and glared at her wayward fiance. “And just how many Ogres and Giants do
you know!?!” She yelled at him.
Ranma frowned as well. “Yeah well you can’t read it either!” He called back.
Amelia put a hand to her head and sighed. “This is pointless. Lets just get the map and go.” Just
then two panels on either side of the stairwell burst open and two Elvin Rangers stepped out with
knifes held to Ranma and Amelia’s throats.
Ranma looked surprised but then he seemed more disappointed. “Why did I not sense them!?!”
He growled to himself.
Just then the Elf with the knife on Ranma’s throat lowered it a little and said something to Ranma.
Ranma just looked at the elf curiously. The elf then repeated what he said only more forceful and
with the knife back at her throat. The other elf was staying silent as he held the knife to Amelia’s
throat. “Please get this knife away from me Mr. Elf.” Amelia pleaded to the silent elf who
Ranma knocked the knife from his elf and then grabbed the arm of Amelia’s elf and threw him
against the wall. “You heard the lady.” Ranma said.
The first elf who had originally been ready to attack Ranma stood up after picking up his knife
and sheathing it. “We are sorry.” The elf said to Ranma. The elves both wore similar clothing.
They were garbed in leather armour but with a stylized elvin look that was smooth, shiny, and
very decorative. Their particular garments were very dark and allowed them to easily blend into
the shadows. The one by Ranma had long black hair and a swirling tattoo that wrapped around
the left side of his face and neck. The other seemed much more ordinary with short blonde hair.
“Do you not speak elvin?” the tattooed one asked.
Ranma shook his head. “No... I’m human.”
The elf looked confused. “You do appear to have human qualities... are you a half elf?”
Ranma frowned. “No... I’m just human.”
The elves looked to each other confused and then the black one turned around and headed down
the stairwell. “Come with me.” He said.
Ranma and Amelia started towards the stairs when the silent elf held out his knife again to
Amelia’s neck. “Theiodous! She’s harmless.”
The blonde haired elf known as Theiodous glared at the girl for a moment and then nodded and
stood down. Amelia and Ranma then followed the elf down the stairs.
Crimson sighed as she sat outside the temple. She had heard a little bit of a scuffle earlier inside
but it stopped shortly after so she figured that her father had taken care of it. “I’m bored.” She
muttered. “Sometimes I hate being so big.”
“So you three are off to take on the last four Mazoku kings and the Lord of Nightmares himself
hmm?” Came a voice from behind the red dragon.
“Who the...?” She said as she spun around to see who it was that had managed to actually sneak
up on her. The bearer of the voice was an average sized human about five and a half feet tall, with
purple hair and a long black robe accentuated with yellow trim and a long gnarled wooden staff
that curled around a spherical gem. Crimsons eyes then opened wide with recognition of the
person. “Hey... You’re that girl I kissed on the beach.” She offered while pointing a clawed finger
at the person.
“What makes you think I’m a girl!?” The man stated as he looked himself over.
Crimson looked at the man carefully and smiled. “I’m sorry mister... but with the long hair and the
skintight bathing suit I thought you were a girl. I just thought that you were flat chested.”
The man nodded and made a little bit of a bow. “Allow me to introduce myself.” He stated. “I am
Xellos. I’m a sorcerer much like you and the man who you claim to be your father. I heard some
dialogue exchanged at the beach and thought I might be of service.”
Crimson looked sceptical and then concentrated on the man’s chi. She then frowned. “You’re not
human are you?” She asked Xellos.
Xellos looked a little surprised and then smiled again. “That’s a very keen observation. Miss...?”
“Crimson.” The red dragon offered.
“...Crimson.” Xellos continued. “In fact I’m curious as to how you were able to find that out so
quickly. “Not a sorcerer I’ve met could tell me apart from an ordinary human being.”
Crimson smirked. “Just a matter of concentration.” She said. “If you’re not human... what are
you?” She asked leaning down so that they were facing eye to eye.
“Now that!... is a secret.” Xellos said with a little bit of a chuckle as he put one index finger out in
front of him. “Besides. It is unimportant right now. I offer you my assistance. That is all that
matters right now. Your father even said that you would need it.”
Crimson sat upright and frowned slightly. “So you were following us then?” She asked. “Are you
taking advantage of the fact that my dad can’t use his magic right now?”
Xellos nodded and sat down on a nearby rock. “There’s another point for you Crimson. Yes I
have been, though not in a bad way like you might expect. My intentions are pure.”
Crimson smiled. “Good... we’ll just wait here until my father comes back and we can ask him.”
Crimson then lay down on the ground. “He’ll probably be a while.” She noted as she closed her
eyes. “We usually get in a lot of fights.”
Xellos smiled. “Very well then.”
“So what was with that guy?” Ranma asked their guide as Amelia and he were led down through
a winding stone staircase beneath the mountain that the shrine was built on top of.
The elf with the Tattoo turned slightly towards Ranma. “He has no voice. He is mute.”
Ranma rolled his eyes. “That’s not really what I was talking about.” Ranma stated. Amelia
frowned. “He kept smiling at me funny. He was kind of creepy.”
The elf chuckled a little bit at that. “Theiodous is one of our best warriors. He spent most of his
life learning how to fight. He loves battle. He lives for it.”
Amelia nodded. Ranma looked more confused. “What do you mean by ‘Our best warriors’? Who
are you? Is there some sort of secret elvin civilization underground?”
“Yes.” The elf answered.
“Huh?” Ranma returned. “What do you mean yes? Yes what?”
The Elf smiled as they came upon a short hallway of stone that led to two huge doors with elvin
writing written all over it. “Yes we are a secret elvin society. Whereas some elves are known to
live in the trees and others in grand cities, we choose to live underground away from the prying
eyes of other races and civilizations. To those few who have came upon us we have been known
as dark elves.”
Ranma nodded. “Cause you wear all black and have really pale skin?”
The elf looked at the girl dumbfounded. “Uh no... it’s because we live in darkness.”
“Oh.” Ranma then paused. “So if nobody but dark elves are allowed here why are you letting me
and my... Amelia in? We’re both human.”
The elf paused and stopped just outside of the giant doors. “Because young lady you look like an
elf yet claim to be of human heritage. you are an enigma... and I believe my... our king would be
interested in you.”
Ranma smirked. “Heh heh. And all because I’ve got pointy ears.”
Amelia smiled. “So Mr. Elf? What’s your secret underground city called”
The elf smiled as he held out his hand to the door. The door and his hand glowed with a
mysterious power. “Please Ladies. You can call me Fenhein, and this...” He said as he opened the
great doors and they all stepped through. “Is the grand city of Pharackineis!”
AN:{Pharackineis is Pronounced: far - rock - een - eyes. Fenhein is Pronounced: fay - nine}
“Wow!” Ranma said as she looked on at the underground city. It looked like two cities in one.
Monstrous towers that rooted from the roof of the massive subterranean cavern with equally large
towers that sprouted from the floor with long bridges connecting all of them like a maze. Along
the walls of the cavern were smaller houses built into the side of the rock, with ramps and ladders
connecting each of them. The architecture too looked like the high elf structures on the topside
but made with darker colours and a little more gothic design. “How do you keep this hidden?”
Ranma wondered. “Any sorcerers you have would probably be able to be detected by others in
tune with magic.”
Fenhein smiled. “Nobody in the city practices magic... it is outlawed for the secrecy and
protection of the city and it’s people.”
Ranma smiled and nodded appreciatively. “Very clever. And how then was that door opened?
That certainly looked like magic to me.”
Fenhein smiled as the three of them proceeded down a ramp towards the largest of the gigantic
towers that made up the city. “Very observant of you. Each of our citizens all have a precious
jewel attached to the glove of their right hand which is to be worn at all times.” He said as he
showed Ranma the jewel in his glove. “This jewel is a special undetectable magical item that was
made by the only magic user of our people, the enchanter. It acts as a key to all the public access
doors, much like the one we came through, and then once the wearer enters it closes behind. That
is why I let you two in ahead of me.”
Amelia looked back at the door that had already closed itself. “Wow I hadn’t even noticed.”
Ranma smiled as they walked past citizens of Pharackineis who looked at Ranma and Amelia with
confused and sometimes fearful eyes. “So I take it your enchanter doesn’t live in the city with the
rest of you?”
“Of course not.” Fenhein stated as though it were as clear as day. Magic is outlawed and he was
forced to live outside the city if he wished to practice it. Even though he did it to help the city.”
“Was he the only one to be exiled from the inside of the city?” Ranma asked as they entered the
doors of a large castle.
“Yes.” Fenhein stated. “He was the first to disobey the law. He thought he was exempt from it
because he was the brother of the king. However he did use it to help us by making the crystals
and magical doors.”
Ranma looked thoughtful as they followed the dark elf through the castle’s interior. “Hmmm.”
Amelia leaned in to her fiancé and whispered. “What’s wrong Ranma?” She asked.
“I don’t know.” Ranma stated. “But I’ve got a bad feeling all of a sudden.”
“WHAT!?!?!?” Lina screamed. “YOU’RE KICKING US OUT!!!” Gourry merely cowered
behind her.
Prince phil stood his ground with a calm demeanor. “Lina.” He said. He suddenly burst out into
an overly emotional explosion. “DURING YOU’RE STAY HERE AT THE CASTLE I’VE
OVER THE CITY OF SAYROONE!!!” The prince then calmed down again. “As much as I like
you and appreciate the times you’ve saved this world from destruction, I cannot afford to put you
up any longer while waiting for my daughter to return.”
Lina growled. “FINE!! See if we care! COME ON GOURRY!!” She said grabbing the
swordsman by the ear and dragging him along behind her.
Lina continued to grumble and mutter to herself about how unfair it was and how unappreciative
the prince was even after her and her traveling companion had exited the gates of the city.
“Uhm... Lina?” Gourry asked. Lina just ignored him as she stomped towards a random destination
away from the city.
“Lina...” Gourry continued.
“WHAT GOURRY!?!” She screamed at his face, spinning around abruptly.
“Uhm...” Gourry started. “What about that bag of gold that we... borrowed from Ranma?” He
asked. “Why couldn’t we use that to help out or buy our own food?”
Lina blinked for a moment dumbfounded by Gourry’s sudden intelligent thought. She wasn’t
really expecting it at all. “Oh MAN!!!” Lina said as she turned back around and continued
walking. “I was so busy being catered to all the time I completely forgot about it!!”
“Should we go back?” Gourry asked.
Lina smiled as she continued on with a little more bounce in her step. “Nah! I think we should
keep going. Maybe we could meet up with Ranma and Amelia again.”
“So we could return the bag of gold?” Gourry questioned with a wide smile. Hoping that they
were going to do a good deed for once.
Lina’s eyes wandered as she reluctantly answered. “Yeeeahhh... return it.”
Crimson frowned as she waited outside the temple. It was night now and her adoptive mother and
father had been in the temple for quite a while now. “What is taking them so long!” She whined as
she lie on her back looking at the stars in the sky.
Xellos sat up from his lying down position to that of a sitting one. He looked over to Crimson
with his usual smile. “How old are you Crimson?” He asked.
Crimson shrugged. “About seven or eight months.”
Xellos looked surprised. “What!?!” He stated shocked. “Months!?! And you’re already that big
and powerful?” the purple haired man then began to think to himself. *Well this certainly has
gotten interesting. I’m glad I decided to tag along with their little group.*
Crimson smiled. “It’s mostly because of my dad... he did something when I was born... but he
doesn’t know what, and then I grew up really fast... but now I’ve slowed down some.”
“How are you able to turn into a human?” He asked the dragon. “You have to be a very old
dragon to be able to do that.”
Crimson smiled. “Galnaav and prince Phil gave me some artifacts that allow me to turn human for
a certain amount of time.”
“Galnaav?” Xellos asked curiously knowing full well who that man was. He then smirked. “How
do you know Prince Phillip?” He then inquired.
Crimson smiled. “Papa’s engaged to Phil’s daughter Amelia. She’s my mom now.”
*Fascinating.* Xellos thought to himself. *A student of Galnaav, master of magic, father to a
Dragon, and now heir to the throne of Sayroone. This Ranma boy is a very interesting person.
Especially after seeing him destroy that Mazoku King. I never thought that a human could do
that. Perhaps... he’s not human.*
Ranma and Amelia continued to follow Fenhein through the halls of the dark elf castle. Amelia
was breathing heavily. “Uhm Mr. Fenhein? Could we take a little break for a moment? There was
a lot of stairs and I’m pretty tired from them alone.” She asked the tattooed elf with the long
black hair who had been their guide during their stay there at the underground city.
Fenhein smiled. “Do not fret Ms. Amelia. The throne room is right here.”
Just as they came up to a large set of double doors styled much like the entrance doors to the city
Fenhein raised his hand again and the gem’s power opened the door. And the trio walked through,
with Ranma and Amelia entering first. The room that they entered seemed much like the throne
room in Sayroone, only much darker architecture as the entire city seemed to be designed. They
walked down the black carpet that lay on the ground towards the throne itself where a middle
aged elven man sat with his queen at his side.
The king had short cropped brown hair and pale white skin like the rest of the dark elves. He
wore a black and silver robe with light shoulder, and knee pads made of a black metal. The queen
wore similar garments but she adorned many blue sapphires and her clothing of course was made
into a dress of sorts.
“Fenhein? Who are these two? Why have you brought these topsiders down to our great city?”
The king then noticed Amelia. “A human no less!? Explain yourself right now!” Demanded the
Fenhein stepped forward and knelt down. “F... my king...” He said before getting up and turning
towards Ranma. “This woman here claims that she is human... yet she is elfin in appearance. She
was also able to single handedly disarm both Theiodous and myself. I thought that you would be
interested in this subject.”
The king stood up, walked towards the trio and examined Ranma closely. “She certainly is a cute
young girl!” He said as he ogled her breasts and got a big goofy grin on his face. Not more than a
moment later he was hit over the head with a bat from his wife.
“GET SERIOUS YOU PERVERTED OLD MAN!!” She screamed at him.
The king quickly regained his demeanor and smiled. “This is indeed interesting to say the least.
Why are you here?” The king asked Ranma.
Ranma smiled and pulled out the map. Which stated where he was and where the next part of the
map is. “I was given this map by my father Galnaav and I’m looking for the other pieces of it. It
states that the next piece is somewhere here in you’re city.”
“Galnaav you say?” The king queried. “He’s a very famous magic user... are you a pupil of his?”
Ranma nodded.
The king then turned to Amelia. “And who are you?”
Amelia smiled. “I am Amelia Wil Tesla Seillune of the city of Sayroone.” She said with a smile.
The king looked at the pair suspiciously. “I’m going to have to ask you both to leave.” He said
without emotion.
“What!?!” Ranma yelled.
The king frowned. “Magic is outlawed in this city, and thus any who practice this art are to stay
out of Pharackineis. You are not allowed to roam our city just to look for a little piece of paper.
The very fact that you know magic and the location of our city is a threat to our people.”
“We need that other piece of the map!” Ranma said to the king a little more forcefully.
The king then leaned in close to Ranma. “Well then little girl. You’d just better get used to the
disappointment and the fact that you’ll never get that other piece of the map.” The king then
turned back to his throne and sat back down. “Fenhein take them out of here. I do not care what
race this little elf girl claims she is.”
Fenhein bowed his head and frowned. “Yes my king.”
Fenhein sighed as he lead Ranma and his fiancé back down the halls of the castle. “I’m sorry
about my father... I mean the king. He’s very strict.”
Ranma nodded. “That’s alright Fenhein. I’ll find a way to get it somehow.”
“He won’t let you out of his sight once he has decided that you are to be banished. He has guards
watching us at this very moment. You wouldn’t be able to get away unnoticed.”
“Why do you call your father king?” Amelia asked Fenhein. Having noticed the boys distance
from the king.
Fenhein frowned sadly. “My mother is the queen. She loves me and cares for me but The king...
he’s so distant and cold. I don’t even know sometimes if he acknowledges my existence.”
Amelia got tears in her eyes. “That’s so sad.”
“Pssst!” Came a voice from one of the rooms they had just passed. A voice trying to get their
The trio turned towards the source of the voice and saw the queen standing in one of the
doorways. “Mother?” Fenhein said surprised. “What are you doing here?”
“Shhhh!” The queen said as she motioned for them to get into the room with her. “I can’t let my
husband know that I’m here.” She then turned towards Ranma. “I’ll get the map for you dear.
Give me your piece of the map and meet me outside the main gates of the city and I’ll bring it to
“What are you doing Mother?” Fenhein asked. “If Dad knew that you were doing this...”
“He’s not your father Fenhein.” She said turning to her son.
“What?”He replied surprised about this sudden revelation.
“When I was younger... I traveled. I didn’t like to stay underground all the time. I wanted to see
things. Eventually I started to travel with a group of people adventuring across the lands. One of
these people was her father.” She said pointing at Amelia. “And the other was you’re father
Fenhein... his name was Galnaav.”
“The famous sorcerer?” Fenhein stated. Shocked to suddenly hear so abruptly that he was merely
half elf.
The queen nodded. “I had a little bit of an affair with him but after I came back home my parents
arranged a marriage, against my will, to the prince who is now king. I’d do anything to help
Galnaav or his student, and I feel that now you are ready to know about your true heritage
Fenhein. Galnaav is a good man, and will be a far better father to you than my current husband.”
Ranma looked at Fenhein and smirked. “So you’re kind of like... my brother.” She asked.
Fenhein smiled. The queen then turned to Ranma and held out her hand to her. “Give me your
piece of the map, quickly! I’ll meet you outside the gate.” Ranma quicky produced the map and
handed it to the queen. “Now go!” She said quietly.
With that the trio walked out of the room and continued through the halls of the castle towards
the gates.
Ranma smiled as the queen of Pharackineis walked through to the stairwell beyond the town gate
where she, Fenhein, and Amelia waited. “Did you get it?” Ranma asked the older elvish woman.
“Did you get the piece of the map?”
The woman nodded and pulled out two pieces of paper from her blouse which she handed to the
white haired girl.
Ranma held them while looking at them with concentration as he tried to find out how they fit
together. As soon as he fit them properly a glowing yellow light shimmered around the edges of
the paper and then the two pieces flashed and became one.
“They fused together.” Amelia stated.
“Alright!” Ranma stated as the map changed back to it’s original ‘you are here’ message with a
dotted line towards an X, now located on a spot on the new section. “Let’s go get Crimson and
we can start looking for the next piece.” Ranma then turned towards the queen and bowed
slightly. “Thank you for your help your highness.”
The queen waved it off. “Please... you can call me auntie.”
Ranma looked a little confused. “Okay... auntie.” Ranma then turned towards Fenhein and
extended a hand. “It was nice meeting you Fenhein. I had no idea that Galnaav had a half elf son.”
Fenhein smiled and grasped Ranma’s hand. “Neither did I. Up until you showed up I merely
thought I was the hated son of Hemaiyan our king. I actually feel relieved to discover that I’m
Ranma smiled as he and Amelia then turned and began to walk down the corridor that led to the
stairs up to the temple.
Ranma’s Elven aunt looked to Fenhein and smiled as Ranma and Amelia were long out of sight
and earshot. “You want to go with them don’t you son?” She asked.
Fenhein looked towards his mother. “What?”
“You want to adventure with them. You can’t stand being stuck down here in the city. You’ve
got so much of myself in you. You want to get out into the world and see something more than
this city don’t you?” She added.
Fenhein looked to his mother and then down the hallway towards the stairs. He then looked back
to his mother who continued to smile. Fenhein too smiled and then began to run so that he might
catch up with his newfound sister.
Ranma frowned as they walked through the tunnelling stairway that led up to the temple. Amelia
was panting and walking very slow a little bit behind her betrothed. “Why do they have to have so
many stairs!” She complained. “Going down them was easy.”
Ranma nodded. “Yeah.” Just then her ears perk up a bit and she heard footsteps approaching
from behind them. a few moments later Fenhein could be seen approaching from the lightly torch
lit stairwell. “Fenhein?” Ranma asked confusedly. “What are you doing?”
Fenhein panted as he smiled up at his sister. “I want to go with you.”
Amelia looked confused. “What? Why?”
Fenhein stood straight and calmed his breathing to that of a normal pace. “I want to meet my
father, Galnaav,... and to find adventure with you on your journey. I’m tired of the peaceful
serenity of our hidden city. I want something to happen. I want to see the world.”
Ranma smiled. “Well it’ll be a long journey.”
Fenhein nodded. “I know.”
“It’ll be dangerous.” Ranma added.
“I’m prepared.” Fenhein responded. Patting the knives sheathed at the sides of his legs.
“Good.” Ranma finished. “Off we go then.”
Fenhein smiled widely and followed his sister on into the world to experience life in the fast lane
for the first time in his life.
Author’s notes: {Second last chapter of the edits. Man I did the majority of these things in one
day... Takes FOREVER! Man I’m going to be glad when this is all done... Unfortunately I’m
going to have to do the same with all my other stories at some point too. SI’s going to be murder!
Me and Evan plan on taking that story to chapter 100.
Well... The show must go on. And damned if I’m going to leave a story only half done.}
Morden Night: mordennight@hotmail.com